7 spiritual laws of success

There are many spiritual laws of success that can help you achieve your goals in life. These laws may be simple things like “believe in yourself” or “take action,” but they can also be more complicated, as the law of attraction. Regardless of how you choose to believe in them, these laws are thought to be true by many successful people.

Here is my list of the 7 spiritual laws of success:

1. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Self-belief is one of the most important aspects of success. People who believe in themselves are more likely to achieve their goals than those who don’t. The power of self-belief comes from the conviction that you can do something and the willingness to take action. When you believe in yourself, you have the courage to try new things and face challenges head-on. You also have the strength to stay committed to your goals, even when things get tough. Self-belief is also a spiritual quality that comes from within. It’s not something that you can acquire by reading books or listening to others. It’s something that you must discover for yourself. The key is to keep an open mind and be willing to experiment with different techniques until you find what works best for you.

2. LET GO OF WHAT’S NOT IMPORTANT: In order to achieve success in any area of life, it’s important to let go of what’s not important. This may be easier said than done, but it can be done with a little bit of practice. One way to let go of what’s not important is to focus on your spirituality. When you focus on your spirituality, you’re able to look within yourself for guidance and wisdom. This can help you let go of the things that are holding you back and preventing you from achieving your goals. Another way to let go of what’s not important is by focusing on the present moment. When you focus on the present moment, you’re able to let go of the past and the future, and just enjoy the moment and that can help you to focus on what’s important so that you can achieve success in whatever you do.

3. BE PATIENT: We often hear people say “patience is a virtue.” Why is it that we so often need to be patient? The answer is that patience allows us to have a balanced life. A balanced life is one in which we can find our spiritual center and live in harmony with our surroundings. It is only when we are patient that we can find this balance and experience true success. Success does not come easily; it takes time and patience to achieve it. When we rush through life, trying to do everything at once, we only create chaos and frustration for ourselves. The key to a successful life is to take things one step at a time and be patient along the way.

4. PERSEVERE: The key to success is spirituality. Stay positive, have faith in yourself, and never give up. Be grateful for what you have, even when things are tough. Remember that the universe is conspiring in your favor, and all your hard work will pay off in the end. Success is not a destination, it’s a journey. And along the way, there will be hardships and setbacks. But don’t give up! Persevere through the tough times and you will eventually achieve your goals. The only difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one is: One makes their plans and the other just rearranges his schedule.

5. BE GRATEFUL: Gratitude is the key to success and spirituality. When we are grateful for what we have, our hearts open and we experience more joy. This positive energy attracts good things into our lives and helps us achieve our goals. Being grateful makes us happier and more positive people, which in turn brings peace and contentment. We can find something to be thankful for even in the most difficult situations. So let’s start each day by giving thanks for all the good in our lives, and watch how our lives transform!

6. GIVE BACK: When we achieve a certain level of success, it’s natural to want to give back. We may feel called to help others in some way or use our newfound resources to make the world a better place. This is a beautiful and important part of the spiritual journey. But before we can give back, we need to take care of ourselves. We need to nurture our own energies so that we have something to share with others. This means spending time in nature, surrounded by positive people who support our growth. It also means taking time for ourselves, to reflect on our lives and what we want to create next. When we’re centered and connected with our own truth, we can then begin to reach out and help others in a meaningful way.

7. SPEAK TO OTHERS: We all need to feel connected to something greater than ourselves. Whether it’s through our spirituality, success, nature, or the energies around us, we need to feel like we’re a part of something bigger. When we speak to others, we open ourselves up to receive help from them too. The people in our lives are one of our greatest resources for achieving success and finding happiness. We should never be afraid to ask for help when we need it. When we reach out and connect with others, we not only improve our own lives but also the lives of those around us. Communicating what we feel can help others to understand our needs and feelings. And if they’re happy to help us, that’s even better!

The seven spiritual laws of success are a guide to creating a successful and fulfilling life. By understanding and applying these laws, we can all achieve our goals and fulfill our potential. Also, they are based on the belief that we are all interconnected and that our thoughts and actions affect not only ourselves but also those around us. If we follow these laws, we can create positive change in our lives and in the world.

Wish you all a balanced, successful, and happy life;


Dr Madhu Kotiya

Mind, Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

Website: http://www.indiatarot.comhttp://www.wiccaindia.com

Tips to Create Good Fortune in Your Business

When it comes to creating a good fortune in your business, there are a few things you can do to help increase the chances of success. By following some tips, you can create a healthy environment for your business and boost its chances of success. Here are some tips to get started: 

  1. Keep your space clear and organized. This will help you focus on your goals and avoid distractions.
  2. Use colors that represent prosperity. For example, red represents prosperity and love. Purple is a color of royalty. White represents cleanliness and honesty.
  3. Keep your workspace clean. This will help you avoid clutter and keep it organized to prevent distractions from other things in the office or from chaos in your home.
  4. Avoid crowded spaces. This will help you maintain a clear focus on work at all times.
  5. Your sitting should be toward North or North East, Make sure your clients are facing south when they sit with you in your office
  6. Place an Amethyst Stone on your Table, it will create positivity for you and will help in absorbing negativity
  7. Light Patchouli and lemongrass incense to attract more clients.
  8. Have a small altar in the Northeast and make sure to light a Diya or incense Stick regularly there.

Following these tips can help you create good fortune in your business. Remember to stay positive and focused on your goals, and don’t be afraid to take risks. With these guidelines in mind, you can confidently pursue your dreams and achieve great things.

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Dr Madhu Kotiya

Mind , Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

Website: http://www.indiatarot.comhttp://www.wiccaindia.com

Coping up with Financial Stress in a Spiritual Way

Financial stress is a common issue for many people. It is a type of stress that can be triggered by a number of factors, including job security, debt, and lack of resources. For example, a person who struggles to make ends meet can experience stress from the constant need to find ways to save money or avoid financial trouble.

Some forms of stress have a negative impact on our physical health but others are more detrimental and may even lead to disease. Stress has been linked with an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and immune response. It has also been shown to impact fertility, cause digestive issues, and create an increased risk of mental health disorders like depression.

It is said that stress is a normal response that helps us respond quickly in times of danger or challenge. However, when it becomes too much for us to handle on our own, we may experience a stress-related disorder.

You may heal yourself out of financial stress if you put some effort spiritually.

Here are some things you can do

  1. Start affirming that this is just a phase and it is about to end Change your thoughts.
  2. Work on your self-confidence and self-esteem. This will include meditation and conscious thought creation.
  3. Talk to a trusted person about your feelings. Talking and discussing helps us to release the stress energy from our system
  4. Re-analyse your expenses and see what can be removed and what expense can be minimized.
  5. Do grounding meditation, it will help you let go of your stress energy and make you calm. It will also help you in getting a good sleep.
  6. Understand your worth and see if you are paid accordingly, if not consider a change.
  7. Chant OM NAMAH SHIVAY, this will help you in transformation of situation.
  8. Light a green candle and visualize money flow coming to you and the blockages of money are going away.

If the above methods are still not helping you, you may consider meeting a spiritual counselor or healer who may help you improve your situation and mental stress.


Dr Madhu Kotiya

Mind , Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

Website: http://www.indiatarot.comhttp://www.wiccaindia.com

Instagram: Madhukotiyashezaim

Youtube Channel : Madhu Kotiya