7 spiritual laws of success

There are many spiritual laws of success that can help you achieve your goals in life. These laws may be simple things like “believe in yourself” or “take action,” but they can also be more complicated, as the law of attraction. Regardless of how you choose to believe in them, these laws are thought to be true by many successful people.

Here is my list of the 7 spiritual laws of success:

1. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Self-belief is one of the most important aspects of success. People who believe in themselves are more likely to achieve their goals than those who don’t. The power of self-belief comes from the conviction that you can do something and the willingness to take action. When you believe in yourself, you have the courage to try new things and face challenges head-on. You also have the strength to stay committed to your goals, even when things get tough. Self-belief is also a spiritual quality that comes from within. It’s not something that you can acquire by reading books or listening to others. It’s something that you must discover for yourself. The key is to keep an open mind and be willing to experiment with different techniques until you find what works best for you.

2. LET GO OF WHAT’S NOT IMPORTANT: In order to achieve success in any area of life, it’s important to let go of what’s not important. This may be easier said than done, but it can be done with a little bit of practice. One way to let go of what’s not important is to focus on your spirituality. When you focus on your spirituality, you’re able to look within yourself for guidance and wisdom. This can help you let go of the things that are holding you back and preventing you from achieving your goals. Another way to let go of what’s not important is by focusing on the present moment. When you focus on the present moment, you’re able to let go of the past and the future, and just enjoy the moment and that can help you to focus on what’s important so that you can achieve success in whatever you do.

3. BE PATIENT: We often hear people say “patience is a virtue.” Why is it that we so often need to be patient? The answer is that patience allows us to have a balanced life. A balanced life is one in which we can find our spiritual center and live in harmony with our surroundings. It is only when we are patient that we can find this balance and experience true success. Success does not come easily; it takes time and patience to achieve it. When we rush through life, trying to do everything at once, we only create chaos and frustration for ourselves. The key to a successful life is to take things one step at a time and be patient along the way.

4. PERSEVERE: The key to success is spirituality. Stay positive, have faith in yourself, and never give up. Be grateful for what you have, even when things are tough. Remember that the universe is conspiring in your favor, and all your hard work will pay off in the end. Success is not a destination, it’s a journey. And along the way, there will be hardships and setbacks. But don’t give up! Persevere through the tough times and you will eventually achieve your goals. The only difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one is: One makes their plans and the other just rearranges his schedule.

5. BE GRATEFUL: Gratitude is the key to success and spirituality. When we are grateful for what we have, our hearts open and we experience more joy. This positive energy attracts good things into our lives and helps us achieve our goals. Being grateful makes us happier and more positive people, which in turn brings peace and contentment. We can find something to be thankful for even in the most difficult situations. So let’s start each day by giving thanks for all the good in our lives, and watch how our lives transform!

6. GIVE BACK: When we achieve a certain level of success, it’s natural to want to give back. We may feel called to help others in some way or use our newfound resources to make the world a better place. This is a beautiful and important part of the spiritual journey. But before we can give back, we need to take care of ourselves. We need to nurture our own energies so that we have something to share with others. This means spending time in nature, surrounded by positive people who support our growth. It also means taking time for ourselves, to reflect on our lives and what we want to create next. When we’re centered and connected with our own truth, we can then begin to reach out and help others in a meaningful way.

7. SPEAK TO OTHERS: We all need to feel connected to something greater than ourselves. Whether it’s through our spirituality, success, nature, or the energies around us, we need to feel like we’re a part of something bigger. When we speak to others, we open ourselves up to receive help from them too. The people in our lives are one of our greatest resources for achieving success and finding happiness. We should never be afraid to ask for help when we need it. When we reach out and connect with others, we not only improve our own lives but also the lives of those around us. Communicating what we feel can help others to understand our needs and feelings. And if they’re happy to help us, that’s even better!

The seven spiritual laws of success are a guide to creating a successful and fulfilling life. By understanding and applying these laws, we can all achieve our goals and fulfill our potential. Also, they are based on the belief that we are all interconnected and that our thoughts and actions affect not only ourselves but also those around us. If we follow these laws, we can create positive change in our lives and in the world.

Wish you all a balanced, successful, and happy life;


Dr Madhu Kotiya

Mind, Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

Website: http://www.indiatarot.comhttp://www.wiccaindia.com

Crystal Healing for Depression

Depression is a very serious mental illness that can severely affect a person’s quality of life. While there is no one cure for depression, there are many treatments that can help improve the symptoms. One common treatment is using crystals to help calm and relax the mind. Here are four ways to use crystals for depression relief: 

1. Add crystals to your bath for stress relief.

2. Add a crystal to your pillowcase for a good night’s sleep.

3. Use crystals to purify the energy field around you.

4. Use crystals to help you relax and release tension.

5. Use crystals to help you sleep better at night.

There are many crystals that help in depression, I am going to list our 7 most effective and easily available crystals for depression healing:

  1. Clear Quartz – It is a crystal that helps in depression healing by stimulating the flow of energy through the body. It is a crystal with vibrant, brilliant, and transparent qualities, Clear Quartz can help to release negative energy in your body.
  2. Rose Quartz – Rose Quartz is a stone that helps in depression healing by encouraging the flow of energy within the body. It stimulates the physical and emotional balance of the body. Rose quartz also has a calming effect on the mind.
  3. Amethyst – Amethyst helps in depression healing by activating the flow of energy in your body. Amethyst helps to bring out the best in you, helps you to have a positive outlook on life, keeps you calm, and makes you feel good about yourself.
  4. Amber – Amber has a calming effect on you, especially if you are feeling anxious or stressed. Perhaps you are carrying a great deal of tension and need to let go – Amber can help.  It can help you to relax.  As with all essential oils, it’s best to dilute it before use.
  5. Black Tourmaline- Black Tourmaline helps in issues of depression as well as feeling anxious or stressed. It is also known to help treat insomnia, chronic pain, and exhaustion. The benefits of Black Tourmaline help in the ability to meditate, focus and overcome emotional problems.
  6. Citrine –  Citrine is also known to help with insomnia and depression, which are common issues within the population today. The color of citrine is also said to bring good luck and happiness.
  7. Hematite –  Hematite is said to be helpful for those who have been abused or are in danger of being abused. It is said to work on the emotional and spiritual level and can help one become more assertive, get more courage, and have a better sense of direction. It helps one with self-confidence, self-esteem, self-reliance, and patience.

In conclusion, using crystals for depression relief can be a powerful and effective tool. Crystals can help to balance your energy and emotions and can help to promote feelings of happiness, peace, and well-being. If you are interested in using crystals for depression relief, the above-listed crystals may be beneficial.

You may like to buy some crystals @https://www.bikayi.com/ShezaimmMagickkalqV1

I hope this information helps you find a solution to your mental health.


Dr Madhu Kotiya

Mind, Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

Website: http://www.indiatarot.com, http://www.wiccaindia.com

Clear Energy Blocks for a Better Life

In order to live a happy and fulfilling life, it is important to remove Energy Blocks that are preventing us from achieving our goals. By identifying and removing these blocks, we can create space for positive energy to flow in which will allow us to live our best life.

Some people have energy blocks that prevent them from having a good life. These blocks stop them from moving forward.  They are self-imposed limitations that prevent them from living their dreams.

These blocks can be removed and replaced with new positive energy so that we can live our best life starting right now. First lets understand how to find out if we have these blocks. The signs that you have energy blocks are :

– You have a habit of procrastinating although you know that it is not good for you.

– You find yourself being very negative and pessimistic all the time.

– You are easily irritated by other people.

– You are unwilling to take risks. – You have a lack of enthusiasm in your life.

– You have a tendency to not see the good things in life.

– You are easily hurt and disappointed by other people.

– You feel that you are always tired and exhausted.

– Your projects doesn’t get complete, some blockage comes when you are near to finishing the work.

– You always miss the train by microseconds and this happens in all aspects of life.

If you have a yes answer to any two points written above, then you need to work on your energy to let go of these blocks.

Some of the ways through which you can let go of energy blocks are :

To be successful in letting go of energy blocks, it is important to have a clear understanding of how the mind works and how it affects our life. This will help us to understand why we unconsciously create these blocks and how we can let go of them.

  • One of the ways to let go of energy blocks is through meditation. Through meditation, Through meditation, we are able to remove energy blocks and get rid of any negativity or negative thoughts. Meditation can help you create positive energy while removing negative energy.  Meditation is also very good at creating positivity in your life. You may start with grounding meditation. Check it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-4LTbx7GuU&t=3s in hindi and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWE7rVWe5DY in English.
  • Let go of the negative thought you have collected in your mind with the help of Pranayam and let the positive ones come to you.
  • Write down all your negative thought on a paper and burn the same, flush the ashes . Do this daily till you feel better.
  • Chant “Om Gum Ganpataye Namah” 108×3 times a day for 40 days with the intention of letting go of your blocks.
  • Use Road opener oil and candles with the intention to open all your roads energetically and to open all your doors.
  • Hypnotherapy sessions can also help, you can connect with a clinical hypnotherapist for the session. ( make sure you are going to a well-learned and certified hypnotherapist)

If nothing works it may mean the blocks are coming from your past life and you must see a healer or spiritual guide.

******To buy road opener candles and oils you may like to check our online shop https://www.bikayi.com/ShezaimmMagickkalqV1


Dr Madhu Kotiya

Mind , Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

Website: http://www.indiatarot.comhttp://www.wiccaindia.com

Looking to change your financial woes?

You can turn some financial difficulties into positive outcomes by focusing on different things. Can it be done? Definitely! To increase your positive energy flow, you just have to shift a few areas. Because we live in an energy-based world, the type of energy that we put out can impact the type of energy that comes into our lives.

Do you want to change your current situation because of financial troubles? I will explain to you a few things you can begin to do right now to help you make a positive shift in your life.

Focusing on the negative in our lives instead of the positive is one of the biggest mistakes we can make. It is very important not just to express gratitude, as this also is a significant step, but also to express gratitude for everything good in our lives. The point I’m making is about intent and where we put it in our lives. People are probably familiar with the expression, “Your energy goes where you focus your attention.” This is certainly true, but how do you move forward with something to change. You need to re-program your subconscious mind as well as control your conscious mind! Positive affirmations, visualization, and meditation can be used to achieve these goals. All of these things will help you refocus on the goal at hand and not get caught up in the negative energy around you.

It’s hard to let the Universe catch up with us when one of the hardest steps is to allow it to catch up. Seeing your finances right now and how they relate to your past thoughts is what you are facing right now in your life. Although we wish for everything to align instantly, it doesn’t always happen that way, as the Universe aligns everything over a period of time. The problem with this is that many people become frustrated if they feel like they have attempted to work on it for a few days, weeks, etc without any success. The length of time it takes for you to draw this in depends on what you are focusing on (how important your life goal is). Setting reasonable goals is important, but you can also push yourself a bit here. For our subconscious to accept the aspect we are focusing on, we need to have them within reasonable goals and timeframes, but we also have to challenge ourselves a bit so that we don’t fall into the boredom of the act and stop thinking positive thoughts and taking inspired action.

Work on your financial goals every day and set time limits and goals to accomplish them. You need to give this some time to start shifting. The current circumstances are a result of your past thoughts. As you affirm, visualize, or meditate, always keep your intentions in mind. Additionally, you should also take the time to not let this slip from your daily routine. What is the reason? The energy is not stopped just because you are not in meditation, which means you are also putting energy out towards this. Suppose you visualize twice a day to bring in more money for your family and affirm positively twice a day to bring in more money for your family. Your free time is filled with constant worries of not having enough money to pay your bills. In your opinion, what will happen? In your opinion, where will the energy flow? Several times a day you let out positive energy, while the rest of the time you are constantly stressed, worried, and panicked. When you are focused on the negative side of things, your energy will flow there. 

As you may be saying, I have done everything to change things around and they don’t seem to be changing. Afterward, let’s have a look at what is going on. Two areas should be checked out when this occurs. Ensure that the goal that you are striving toward is something that you truly want, rather than what you feel you ought to have or what your friends and family tell you it should be. It is also important to check your energy patterns themselves and see if there are any blocks or leaks there. When you put your intention towards something that you truly desire, the Universe brings it to you as soon as you focus on it, put your intention into it, and take inspired action. There’s no point in taking years and years without making any progress if it’ll take a few weeks to a few months.

Keeping an eye out for this is important since many people only see the end goal without realizing they are making progress towards it. Make sure you are tracking your progress if you want to increase your earnings with a certain dollar amount every month. You must keep working on this, as you are making progress, but you have to see the signs that indicate success. If you have made more than you did the prior month, but you have not reached your goal, this is not failure, it just means that you have to keep working on it. For people who have been doing the same thing for months or even years and are not getting results, it is wise to re-evaluate and check the goal they are going after as well as their energy fields to see what is happening. Keeping your focus and letting the Universe do its thing will allow you to achieve all you truly desire in life. 


Madhu Kotiya

Mind , Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

Website: http://www.indiatarot.comhttp://www.wiccaindia.com

Instagram: Madhukotiyashezaim

Youtube Channel : Madhu Kotiya

for appointment contact at through whatsapp or call #+919873283331 , +917701801356


Seeing the glass half full and keeping an uplifting demeanor is simple said than done. In the event that you are somebody who attempts to keep an uplifting standpoint, at that point you may have seen that it is difficult to remain centered in the midst of all negative contemplations attempting to enter your mind. The mind isn’t generally a quiet place. Negative musings are ground-breaking to such an extent that it consumes the psyche to hurt our satisfaction. We read such a huge amount about body detoxing however exceptionally less expounded on mental detoxing. Things being what they are, how might we stop these negative contemplations hiding in our brain from overwhelming our considerations that will additionally prompt pressure, nervousness, absence of certainty and outrage?

We need to quit drawing in with these negative musings. At the point when we permit these negative contemplations to get in we without a doubt begin to put stock in them and relate to them. Consequently, detoxing the psyche is similarly significant as detoxing our body.

Recognize the negative contemplations – To start with quiet down your psyche. At the point when your psyche is running with all the considerations it tends to be hard to remain quiet. Along these lines, it is more convoluted to control negative considerations. A moment of smoothness is sufficient to settle. Presently take a bit of paper and record all that is there in your brain. Leave it alone an errand to finish or an inclination. At the point when you distinguish the wellspring of cynicism you need to tell your psyche that you needn’t bother with this or you don’t need this. Converse with yourself to get mindful of your musings and control them.

Zero in on working out – Investing your time in yoga or perhaps going for a long stroll can help you detox your brain from antagonism. Yoga or practicing will help move your musings just as the energy that will support your general joy and killing your psychological anxiety. In any event, contemplating encourages us to interface with our internal identity, the genuine wellspring of harmony inside. On the off chance that we feel food from inside that is when things outwardly begin to fall into its correct spots.

Avoid poisonous individuals – everything thing you can manage for yourself is to abandon the contrary and skeptical individuals and start once more with energy around. At the point when you are investing energy with individuals who settle for less and continue whining about everything around them, you will in general ingest their antagonism. In any case, on the off chance that you invest energy with individuals who are energetically striving to carry on with the life of their fantasy and face any difficult that surfaces, you begin to accept that you can likewise do it to seek after your fantasies.

Discussion about it – There are times when negative reasoning happens when there are issues or feelings that you are clutching yourself. It’s anything but a decent practice to hush up about things. In the event that there is something in your brain that should be conveyed, you ought to get it done. Discussion about your emotions or issues to your confided in ones. Possibly they can’t help you straightforwardly however they can give you the solidarity to manage it. Venting out your feelings is perhaps the best cure. You will feel loose and a lot more joyful.

Take a break for innovative pursuit – Allow an inventive source for your musings. Investigating feelings through innovativeness is attempted and tried self-treatment that will inspire your mind-set. Enjoy painting, drawing or perhaps make. Aside from this, you can likewise move to your #1 music. Do whatever loosens up your mind and revive your spirit.

Blessed be

Madhu Kotiya

Mind , Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

Website: http://www.indiatarot.comhttp://www.wiccaindia.com

Instagram: Madhukotiyashezaim

Youtube Channel : Madhu Kotiya

for appointment contact at through whatsapp or call #+919873283331 , +917701801356





Seeing the glass half full and keeping a positive attitude is easy said than done. If you are someone who tries to maintain a positive outlook, then you may have noticed that it is not easy to stay focused amidst all negative thoughts trying to enter your mind. The mind is not always a peaceful place. Negative thoughts are so powerful that it uses the mind to harm our happiness. We read so much about body detoxing but very less written about mental detoxing. So, how can we stop these negative thoughts lurking in our mind from overpowering our thoughts that will further induce stress, anxiety, lack of confidence and anger?

We need to stop engaging with these negative thoughts. When we allow these negative thoughts to get in we indeed start to believe in them and identify with them. Therefore, detoxing the mind is equally important as detoxing our body.

Identify the negative thoughts – To begin with calm down your mind. When your mind is running with all the thoughts it can be difficult to stay calm. In this way, it is more complicated to control negative thoughts. A minute of calmness is enough to settle. Now take a piece of paper and write down everything that is there in your mind. Let it be a task to complete or a feeling. When you identify the source of negativity you need to tell your mind that you don’t need this or you don’t want this. Talk to yourself to become aware of your thoughts and control them.

Focus on exercising – Investing your time in yoga or maybe taking a long walk can help you detox your mind from negativity. Yoga or exercising will help shift your thoughts as well as the energy that will boost your overall happiness and neutralizing your mental restlessness. Even meditating helps us to connect with our inner self, the true source of peace within. If we feel food from inside that’s when things on the outside start to fall into its right places.

Stay away from toxic people – The best thing you can do for yourself is to leave behind the negative and pessimistic people and start afresh with positivity around. When you are spending time with people who settle for less and keep complaining about everything around them, you tend to absorb their negativity. But if you spend time with people who are passionately working hard to live the life of their dream and face any problem that surfaces, you start to believe that you can also do it to pursue your dreams.

Talk about it – There are times when negative thinking occurs when there are problems or emotions that you are holding onto yourself. It is not a good practice to keep things to yourself. If there is something in your mind that needs to be communicated, you should do it. Talk about your feelings or problems to your trusted ones. Maybe they cannot help you directly but they can give you the strength to deal with it. Venting out your emotions is one of the best remedies. You will feel relaxed and much happier.

Take some time out for creative pursuit – Allow a creative outlet for your thoughts. Exploring emotions through creativity is tried and tested self-therapy that will uplift your mood. Indulge in painting, drawing or maybe craft. Apart from this, you can also dance to your favorite music. Do whatever relaxes your mind and recharge your soul.


Madhu Kotiya

Mind , Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

Website: http://www.indiatarot.comhttp://www.wiccaindia.com

for appointment contact at #+919873283331, +919910083331

Vaastu Guidance for your Workplace


The Ancient science of construction that’s Vastu Shastra doesn’t simply apply to a home. an area of business ought to even be in tune with the 5 parts of ether, air, fire, water and earth so management and workers add harmony to attain success. The administrator of the workplace should occupy the south-west quadrant and will face north whereas sitting at his table.

The flooring within the space ought to be 7cm to 15cm over the remainder of the workplace. His or her table ought to be within the extreme south-west corner of the space, and it’d be auspicious if the door to the space were within the north-east quadrant. The managing direction of the workplace ought to occupy the sou’-west quadrant and face north.

The person in command, sort of a top dog or manager, ought to occupy the south and west quadrants. He or she should sit facing north whereas occupying a southern space and will face east in an exceedingly western room. All alternative employees ought to sit facing east. The finance manager ought to sit within the north quadrant facing north or east, as this can yield increased money results.

Tables or counters ought to be designed in such the simplest way that sales folks face either east or north and also the customers face west or south. The staff ought to occupy the north-west quadrant.

The administration and human resources departments ought to be within the east. If the workplace encompasses a prayer space, it should be set within the north-east and will be unbroken clean and free from weight. Showcases, racks and cabinets ought to be against western and southern walls.

The reception ought to be placed within the north-west and also the device or dispenser should be placed in the north-east corner. If the workplace encompasses a stowage, it’s extremely counseled or not it’s placed within the south-east quadrant. There should be no bogs or stowage within the north-east and south-west corners.

Folks in decision-making positions ought to avoid sitting underneath a beam as they’ll notice it tough to form the correct selections. Such beams are often hid by false ceilings. the middle of the workplace ought to be unbroken empty. The reception ought to be within the north-west. each a house and workplace ought to be harmonious to fancy most peace, joy, prosperity, happiness, health and cloud nine. Work areas ought to be in harmony the maximum amount as attainable as a result of many of us pay the prime hours of the day at work. though the area doesn’t belong to you, you pay a lot of time in it; neither is it merely a “temporary” area. dashing through work and not respecting the atmosphere will cause tension and hostility to the individual.

A Vastu Shastra-friendly workplace will facilitate foster a powerful harmonious relationship between the denizen and his or her colleagues that the area ought to be treated with respect. The form of the plot wherever the workplace is found ought to be sq. or rectangular, if attainable. Buildings, too, ought to be identical as “cuts” and “voids” will distort the flow of positive energy.

A plot wherever the front is wider than the rear can attract additional customers. however even before selecting the plot or building, it’s important to require into consideration the environment. Avoid buildings at T-junctions and shut to graveyards and temples. Taller buildings or flyovers mustn’t overshadow the property.

A smaller building between 2 larger buildings is taken into account inauspicious, because the denizen can perpetually feel suppressed. The building ought to be of equal height the least bit directions. ne’er select a store with the doorway within the south-west, because it can invite hassle and money issues. like a house, the most entrance of the business area mustn’t be thrombosed by transmission line poles, trees or tall structures.

The reception area-which is vital because it provides the client with the primary impression of the business-should be set within the north-east. The employees manning the counter ought to face the entry. alternative favorable locations are east and north.

Waiting areas for patrons ought to be within the north-west Ideally, the reception space ought to be all-time low and it’d be encouraging if a client needs to take 3 steps to the business or show area. The room ought to be set within the east or west. The boss ought to occupy the biggest space within the south-west, and in ought to be removed from the most entrance. Mid-management and executives ought to occupy rooms (or cubicles) within the south or west.

Take away all clutters in associate degree workplace because it obstructs refined energy flow. The bourgeois ought to be placed within the north, staff within the north-west, and technical employees within the south-east. These locations are necessary for the employees as a result of they’re associated with health and also the state of mind. A wrong location may end up in employees feeling tired, inhibited within the exchange of ideas and restless. Unfavorable directions are south and south-west, that invite diseases and ill health. The workplace ought to be properly lit and have adequate ventilation. Natural light-weight is vital as a result of long exposure to fluorescent lighting will damage the natural balance of the anatomy.

Hope these suggestions will help you make your work more successful and balanced.


Madhu Kotiya

Mind , Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

Website: http://www.indiatarot.comhttp://www.wiccaindia.com

for appointment contact at #+919873283331, +91 9910083331

10 Ways to keep your Aura Strengthened and intact

We talked about understanding if our aura is weak , last week. Today we will learn and see the ways we can keep our aura strong.
1. Breath deeply, do pranayam, this will energize your mind, body and soul, and will also repair and strengthen your aura.
2. Spend time with nature, go to parks for walk. This is good for your physical body too, also with your aura and energy field.
3. Use sea salts for bathing and dipping your feet in water every day. This will help you wash away negativity from your aura and cleanse your energy fields by grounding all excess energy which is not useful for you.
4. Stay away from electromagnetic fields. Switch off your TV from power button, keep your mobile phones away from your aura
5. Try not to do cribbing or cursing anybody, this makes your aura weak as you are first creating negative energy within yourself and then extending it out, so first this energy will certainly harm you before it effects anybody else.
6. Try to see positive side of all situations, change your attitude towards life. Your attitude can make difficult situation easy going for your and this will also improve your aura.
7. Find things which makes you happy, happiness is the key of good aura and good health.
8. Spend time alone with yourself and meditate, this will make your energy fields strong.
9. Avoid shouting and being angry, this majorly makes your aura weak.
10. Learn to let go. Understand whatever is not coming to you is not meant for you, so let it go and vacate the place for the right things to come.

by Dr. Madhu Kotiya
Mind, Body & Soul Doctor

Learn Candle Magick / White Magick

A Workshop on Learning Candle Magick / White Magick


This is a One Day workshop on Candle Magick:
– What is Magick
– Difference between Magic & Magick
– Similarities/ Difference between Magick and Spirituality
– Color & Zodiac Significance of Candle

– Different types and shapes of Candles.
– How to use Candles for Magick.
– Visualization Techniques.
– Protection Techniques.
– Right way of Chanting/ making your own chants
– Making an Intention and manifesting the same.
– Precautions to be taken
– Spell Casting
– Create your Own Spells
there will be more to be discussed in the workshop apart from this syllabus.

You will require candles in different colors and some incense oils, which is available on many candle feng shui shops in Delhi (the same can also be arranged by the organiser if informed before the workshop). This workshop can only be joined by the invitation of Organiser, so in case u r interested attending this workshop, please get in touch with me at 9873283331 or shezaim@rediffmail.com, madhu@indiatarot.com

The fee for this workshop is Rs.7500/- , this includes printed notes, stationery, lunch, tea/refreshments, candles and crystals for protection.



Dr. Madhu Kotiya

Tarot reader, Spiritual Counsellor, Life coach, Angel therapist, Past life regression therapist, Crystal therapy , Mentor in tarot classes and other occult science and paranormal subjects like white magick , healing spell casting , candle magick , wiccan healings , wiccan rituals.


Ph: 9873283331

email: madhu@indiatarot.com



Connecting with Angels and Archangel

All of us are surrounded by loving and powerful angels who want to assist us in every area of our life. Our prayers for heavenly assistance are being heard and it is now time for us to accept the responsibility to heal ourselves, our lives, and our world.

The love, joy and peace of our higher self have been concealed by the experiences of this world that have hurt and drained us emotionally and spiritually. Integrating angelic processes alone or with Reiki, can help return us to our natural state of being. In addition to guided meditation, prayer and candle ceremony, some other processes such as Etheric Cord Cutting and White Light Clearing can have such a profound affect that some may feel an immediate increase in energy and peacefulness. As a result, we find that life becomes more fulfilling when we actually feel the love, joy and inner peace that is our true nature.

Through the guidance and energy of Angels, Guides, and the Archangels, healing vibrations are increased. This energy stream helps to release old patterns and heal emotional wounds of the past. Purity, love, and light replace these patterns and allow us to fully “live” our journey.

angel therapy


Dr. Madhu Kotiya

Tarot reader, Spiritual Counsellor, Life coach, Angel therapist, Past life regression therapist, Crystal therapy , Mentor in tarot classes and other occult science and paranormal subjects like white magick , healing spell casting , candle magick , wiccan healings , wiccan rituals.


Ph: 9873283331

email: madhu@indiatarot.com